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Vague memories of cantaloupes, kitchen scenes, pajama parties... all public and full of art...
Ray St / NP Nights
Two Gal Friends, 2-13-2010
Out enjoying the neighborhood
Leftovers at Lori Lipsman's Vacancy II, 02/05/2010
The first trash show...
Great International Human Sexuality (Erotic) Art card Swap
Cross-eyed 3D
Cross-eyed 3D Nipple Print Demo, 1-18-2010
Ray St / NP Nights
Phone, 1-9-2010
and the last Ray St post for this run...
Ray St / NP Nights
Group of Friends, 1-9-2010
like the explanatory thought finger
Ray St / NP Nights
Leaper, 1-9-2010
This blurry picture is what I was trying for
Ray St / NP Nights
Father and Daughter
lotta love
Ray St / NP Nights
Alley Dash, 01-09-2010
white balance was set by the splash of white on the wall
Ray St / NP Nights
Dancing Duo, 2010-1-9
good moves
Ray St / NP Nights
Her New Choice, 1-9-2010
These 3 had history