Words is kinda a catch-all; words, poems, prose, scribbles, and mutterings.
Art as legacy
Billions living, dying, gone, Gone their legacy, love and memory, They have stepped aside, righteously or in despair
After working on the sign project for 2 years this burst out of me
Three 'Metaphysical pieces' for Ron's Critique, 3-3-2021
Fan Service Anime on Funimation that I like, 3-3-2021
thoughts on fan service anime
Reactivated my Medium.com site, 1-11-2021
I forget things
Morning Thoughts (and prayers) November, 11-22-2020
writing raises it's bloody snout
12:30 pm Daily Studio Social, 6-14-2020
did quite a few and then moved on
"My 10," thank you, Dyon Scheijen. 4-15-2020
Answer to 'How to be a Christian' sort of thing, 11-14-2019
don't be a shit
Poems 1 and 2, 8-6-2019
simply put