I am always testing, playing, trying to get things to the point... these posts are along those lines.
Creating and Signing Art Cards with Magnetic Backings, 4-14-2021
quick description
The Beginning of Beginning, 1-15-2021
Artcards Video and Class, 11-1-2020, Donatella Soul, John Keasler, Jonathan Williams, Fred Marinello
Maria, 'Cage (crying angel)' 7-12-2020
neighbors enjoyed this one, a lot of good conversations
12:30 pm Daily Studio Social, 6-14-2020
did quite a few and then moved on
2 New Peeled Pieces..., 6-3-2020
much easier to live with... I did finish them
2 Sepulchers for some mags that Kris gave me, 6-1-2020
4x4 and 12x16 Underprints, 5-8-2020
Image work ups, 4-5-2020
like the seagulls, sometimes...
Heather Meglasson gives me some info on Reiki (11 minutes), 2-19-2020
i was stunned