I am always testing, playing, trying to get things to the point... these posts are along those lines.
Vacation! through 10-2-2023
started taking blurry pictures through the window
Kay making Faces, 8-29-2023
available (for a little while) underprints/miniatures
If I had slept on the train, 6-27-2023
not a pretty sight, I snore as well...
Horse Spirit with Wine, (generative AI sketching, 5-23- 2023)
Tannin Bleed Test Results
Tannin can be a problem...
Post Puberty (male) 04-03-2022
Crow, 1-30-2022
Progress! The underprints are mounted, 1-16-2022
Richard and Corrie discuss art making fears, 11-17-2021
fear is the mind killer
It's been an odd week for Richard, 10-28-2021
Maria is taping paper and plastic wrap, 9-29-2021
it looked very cool while we were waiting for the drywallers to show