Nude covers a lot, still it is basically why I got into art. I am still interested after all these years. Very easy way to bring a smile to my face. Here is a lot of things I've done that involve a naked person.
Chilling 6-7-2022, series of 5
Toe and Crotch
Saved and Salvaged
Post Puberty (male) 04-03-2022
Chilling with Wine
Kerry Miniatures, 1-19-2022
Discussion with Angel about our Photoshoot, 1-18-2022
Naked Muse in Studio, Sunday, 11-2pm (pst) 10-24-2021
Rear 10, Series of 3 Art Cards, 2-15-2021
Train Trolls, 2-5-2021(1 of 1) and it's underprint
it was such a brief and simple shoot