Nude covers a lot, still it is basically why I got into art. I am still interested after all these years. Very easy way to bring a smile to my face. Here is a lot of things I've done that involve a naked person.
Well, for this Years Teeny Tiny, 11-23-2023
Faces-Or, 10-31-2023
Takes a while... 10-21-2023
Playful and Green Eyed, (generative AI sketch), 5-30-2023
Reverse Crab Crawling Ghost in a Burn Yard, 5-29-2023 (AI generative sketch)
Horse Spirit with Wine, (generative AI sketching, 5-23- 2023)
Angelica Shares Photos of herself, 5-3-2023
Naked Nude and Sexual Art 11-14-2022
Friends, 9-24-2022
'Not Dead Yet', Proofs
The darkspace goes all the way back to college where I did an etching on what was going on in my head. The first Darkspace was with Sherrill in Santa Barbara, the next one on Marengo where we painted a garage black and Maria built me a dark room for developing images. The third was on Jackie Dr.