Maria, Miguel, Angelica, Kay, Ano, Kris, Ace... So much of the cool stuff is a joint effort. I'm not sure where or even if to draw the line between patron, muse, and model. The are all collaborators. Here are some cases where a line was definitely crossed.
The Faces of Fred, 9-23-2023
Great friend (and artist)

Miguel inspired the work, 12-11-2021
And he was my former boss at Vista Paint...
Kris's and My Collaboration, 12-20-2020
think I figured it out this time
Nadia Roldan and Seurat, 10-17-2020
enjoyed working with the imagery of Seurat and Roldan together
Ace in Front of Her Tree, 8-9-2017
I See You, 7-30-2015
reminded me of a greeting I read as a child (Heinlein?)
Tree 1, 7-21-2015
Torso with Drawing by Ace, 11-11-2015