Primary Muse, wishes to remain anonymous, has kept Richard working and inspired for decades.
Art Cards 9-6-2019
Cut Clothing 01, 8-30-2019 (optical triptych)
Easel, Screen, & Torso 0838 (5 in Series) Art Cards, 8-27-2019
Elbow Remix (or revisited), 8-13-2019
2 Drying Hair Art Cards, 8-12-2019
Muse with Panel and Easel (0837), 6-18-2019
started in the darkspace
Anonymous Teeth Brusher 2890, 5-10-2019
Ano strikes again
2 Artcards from Anonymous A Hip Scar 2930, 4-24-2019
developing the image
Anonymous Hip Scar 2930,4-7-2019
DarkSpace Train #9 Cropped, 3-14-2019
keep coming back to this shoot