Richard, Stu and Mark (for a bit) talk about censorship, 12-1-2021
dealing with and understanding censorship has been a life long journey.

Chats - museo de rbcdart
Video chats like on Zoom or Crowdcast. These are usually edited after the meeting and stored on Vimeo and here (if not deleted). Latest Zoom can be found at

Last in the Fog of Creating Art in San Diego. Censorship is discussed.
Richard’s thoughts on misleading words:
· Catch phrases
o For the children
o Pornography
o Family Venues
o Not appropriate for Church
· Institutional bias (enable vs disable)
· Self-Censorship
· Quirks
o Not showing the face is being respectful to the model
o It’s okay if it is not you doing it
o Many men and women use themselves as models.
o Gay Erotic Art is life affirming in a way that Heterosexual Erotic Art has not been.
o Sex is not visible normally, much like breasts during breast feeding
o Naked 18-30 year old models are often caricatures