Reactivated my site, 1-11-2021

I forget things

Reactivated my site, 1-11-2021
Maria and I in the garden with the surprise sunflower
Words - museo de rbcdart
Words is kinda a catch . All words, poems, prose, poems, and mutterings. I have tried to incorporate words into paintings. I like writing verse. My books tend to be picture books. I had a writer’s block in college. Over it now.

Forgot about this again 9-9-2023, decided to try again...

This is a growing selection of word related pieces I have done. I think all of them are published here (different presentation). Still, if you are into the words then you might want to check it out. I can get free passes, or friend passes. Tell me if you would like one. If enough people look or read, I earn some money. I will tell you the second that actually happens! Doing this because I like the site and how they format things. If I actually earn additional money that would be interesting.

Richard B ChauDavis – Medium
Read writing from Richard B ChauDavis on Medium. Richard is creating art; conceptual, tangible, multimedia, figurative, interactive. Every day, Richard B ChauDavis and thousands of other voices read, write, and share important stories on Medium.