Pandemic Life Drawing 2020
With the help of a lot of people, I was able to host weekly life drawing sessions over Crowdcast. The models linked to above have granted permission to save these particular sessions. Contact the models directly if you want to use the video's for anything other than your life drawing practice.
With the help of a lot of people, I was able to host weekly life drawing sessions over Crowdcast. The models linked to above have granted permission to save these particular sessions. Contact the models directly if you want to use the video's for anything other than your life drawing practice.
You can tip the model using one of the links provided on their page. These 2020 videos are rough. We were figuring out how to make things work and there is a definite evolution as time goes on.
I am no longer doing regular life drawing sessions online. I still do life drawing in person and/or online using the old fashioned criterion of 'as I can afford' or 'as there is interest.'
Here are some of the flyers for various sessions: