Stomper (revised) 4-17-2017
Beach 4-12-2017
Remix Red and No Hands
I took Red and No Hands over to Balboa Park in San Diego and photographed them around the roots of a fig tree. Spent a lot of time on one version and then redid it (hence the 'remix'}.
Green Door Drawer Liner, 3-27-2017
Red and Blue, 11-02-2017
Mission Trails 2017-02-05
I like those tree silhouettes
NoFace (chalk included)
This was created for a Miyazaki tribute show organized by Thumbprint Gallery.
Lenn & Rey 12-07-2016
Took the two to a beach
Major Kusanagi 12-6-2016
Sally the Rag Doll (toy included), 2016-11-22
one of my favorite characters
Harry Potter 11/3/2016
Harry was so cool and then ugliness became attached