No Mail Posts 8-10-2021 to 10-24-2021
A show, modeling, a letter not sent out...
No Mail Posts - museo de rbcdart
When I was transferring files from Patreon to Ghost, did not want to fill up peoples inbox, wanted a complete record... I had all sorts of reasons for not emailing but it resulted in things being hidden.

Current Studio Wall Gallery, 8-10-2021
good to step back
Maria Dancing (with child), 8-11-2021
great shot
Playing with Trains, 9-23-2021
I like working with this concept
Maria is taping paper and plastic wrap, 9-29-2021
it looked very cool while we were waiting for the drywallers to show
October Patron Newsletter, 10-2-2021
bunch of things happening

The Big Little Show, Escondido Arts Partnership Municipal Gallery, 10-24-2021
I like EAP a lot, a few things prevent me from participating with them more often
Naked Muse in Studio, Sunday, 11-2pm (pst) 10-24-2021
Changed the background from white to black…