No Mail Posts, 6-5-2022 to 6-12-2022

I really liked the idea of taping money next to pictures one liked in a show... another person joined in.

No Mail Posts, 6-5-2022 to 6-12-2022
close up of one of the Chilling artcards
No Mail Posts - museo de rbcdart
When I was transferring files from Patreon to Ghost, did not want to fill up peoples inbox, wanted a complete record... I had all sorts of reasons for not emailing but it resulted in things being hidden.

Taping Money to the Wall
Patric Stillman of The Studio Door sent me this picture. I (with permission) taped a bill next to my personal favorite (by Teem Stir) in the show. Someone else joined in and taped another bill. The empty tapes are not missing dollars but were put there by that someone just in case
Patric Stillman Fenced 6-2-2022
Proofs - rbcdartUsed to printing a proof sheet or having a whole roll printed into 4x6 pictures. Now I import into Lightroom and do basic developing and cropping where I can get an idea how to work both the set and the individual pictures.rbcdart Patric dropped by near the
Stephen at Hillcrest’s Walk in Art 6-2022
Proofs - rbcdartUsed to printing a proof sheet or having a whole roll printed into 4x6 pictures. Now I import into Lightroom and do basic developing and cropping where I can get an idea how to work both the set and the individual pictures.rbcdart I had all sorts of
Chilling 6-7-2022, series of 5
The original underprint photo is from a shoot Richard did in his first studio in Santa Barbara after graduating from UCSB. Series of 5, underprint, Micron pens and acrylics creating a mixed media piece is 2.5 x 3.5″ Finished with a coat of Liquitex Acrylic Varnish to protect it (UV resistant).
Studio Muse, 6-7-2022
This is one of several head shots (basically) that I created in a small series.
Best Friend 06-11-2022
The looks she gave me…
Standing 6-12-2022
All the same model from 40+ years ago.