By Richard Baer ChauDavis in Hillcrest Walk in Art — Jun 3, 2021 Kim Ogburn, 6-3-2021 one of the financial backers for the Pandemic Summer Life Drawing. He gave until it hurt. close up Pandemic Life Drawing - museo de rbcdartAfter ArtGymSD at Escondido and SDAI there was a pandemic. I got together with Michelle Gregoire and we figured out wages for video life drawing sessions. People signed up getting a month pass by pledging $25 on my Patreon account. Michelle had donations (thank you Kim Ogburn). Between us we cov…museo de rbcdartKim is a good friend, subscriber and patron to several art causes (including me). Pandemic Life drawing is what brought us together.
Baer's Complete Reveal (a monthly NSFW newsletter) Baer's Complete Reveal (NSFW), 10-20-2024 kinda of fitting for October
Mirror Rag Mask and Mirror, 06-16-2024 A gentleman's observations during OMA's monthly gathering helped me finish this