Richard's ZBT Brothers and Sisters, 1976 on...

learning photography at my frat, even got back together (those living) 45 years latter

Richard's ZBT Brothers and Sisters, 1976 on...
A group of people dancing

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Rbcd - museo de rbcdart
Artist, model, creator, enabler. Married (1) with children (2), cisgender, Christian, bisexual, monogamous, art that’s edgy, sexual, multimedia, performance, composite,

My current obsession has been scanning and then destroying old negatives (1975 to 1982) of when I was at UCSB and a member of Gamma Xi, ZBT (which died under our care and has since been resurrected).  The posts with comments are at this link (Richards Memories, Brothers and Sisters album). Below are some of the photos in that album with short comments. Above is a picture of Corrie and Richard dancing early on (Sara in front). Love the expressions.  Richard or Maria did not take this picture. Richard is very grateful to the person who did. 1975-82, Zebe

Official End, lost the house, Barry doing the honors and burning the letters.

A picture containing person, dark

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Richard Morris:
Love seeing the pictures and glimpses of your past. Thank you for sharing!

Richard ChauDavis:
It really was my 'formative years.'