Baer Reveal, 8-8-2022
A lot of time spent preparing the 25 bags for giveaway at the August Hillcrest Walk in Art. Each contained one Surplus Dollar and a Magnet with a scanned image of a persons comment from Pride along with the original comment taped to the front of the bag.

(a biweekly bulletin of posts on #7

Well, I have been having a good time. Sue came over and I showed her my method for peeling my old mounted pieces to get at the paper underneath and create something new. In Sue's case it looks like she is turning it into a young giraffe.
A lot of time spent preparing the 25 bags for giveaway at the August Hillcrest Walk in Art. Each contained one Surplus Dollar and a Magnet with a scanned image of a persons comment from Pride along with the original comment taped to the front of the bag. All 25 were taken, started slow but went quickly.
I also gave away the last of my Say Their Names magnets. The 4x4" pieces with 3m adhesive velcro strips (selling at $25) sold at Hillcrest and Pride. This format was inspired by the 5x5 fundraiser that OMA had where my 8 submissions disappeared in the first hour.
I have started preparing the wood that Brian Myer donated. I think it could be good for mounting and working on 2.5x3.5" miniatures. Beautiful plywood, several solid layers. Tried orange shellac, not convinced...
I am doing a photoshoot/drawing session with Stu in my studio Tuesday, August 9th at 11am. We will be doing painless penis bending and distorting inspired by an earlier piece I did (free miniature of the inspiring piece if you know which one). This is an open session if you would like to participate, donations accepted but not necessary. Stu (a former patron) is doing this for free. Limit is 5 people (or so). My studio and house are air-conditioned, bring snacks or beverage if you like, must RSVP by the time it starts.
Here at ( I have discovered it is difficult on a random basis for people to go from comp'd to paying. Having me delete the comp'd account seems to work.
I am creating pages on this site (different than posts) click on the navigation links at the top. You do need to log in to see some content ( limited to comp'd or paying patrons). If you have any problems contact me (reply to this email or directly at
Pandemic Life Drawing contains the crowdcast life drawing videos that models said I could keep for my patrons.

BLM, contains a picture of individual yard sign and the names and links to information of 44 most influential African Americans, Major Lynchings, and the names from the PBS podcast A Decade of Watching Black People Die.

Under Construction
ArtGymSD, a hub with pictures for the various art gyms that we have attempted over the years.

JB's AGSD Photography, Links to each of the monthly group sessions showing samples of pictures taken initially by Jeff (of Yoni) and then by Richard (everyone else).

Thanks, some 'safer' pictures below,
Richard ChauDavis