Baer Reveal, 10-3-2022
Good Morning! I sent two extra emails out this month, one was a meeting invite and the other was a poem that I have now deleted (save the email if you liked that depressing bit of prose). Working on a condensed version of the meeting to post here. Fred and I had fun talking but we do go on...

(a biweekly bulletin of posts on #11

Good Morning! I sent two extra emails out this month, one was a meeting invite and the other was a poem that I have now deleted (save the email if you liked that depressing bit of prose). Working on a condensed version of the meeting to post here. Fred and I had fun talking but we do go on...
If you wander to the site I have recently posted some first looks and a book synopsis of the photoshoot I did recently with Ano.
Article for the book at:

Larry Caveney is starting a gallery in Tubac, Halloween show opening on October 15th, He asked for a couple of first looks I had posted on Instagram. I used a new feature on InDesign and Blurb to generate the now traditional Metal Prints (11x14). Cost with shipping and taxes was around 75 dollars each. Not sure what the price range is in the gallery. Larry agreed to selling them for around 150 each. This is a bit low for everybody to make money but very cheap to check things out. I am curious if the Metal Prints look good produced this way... If someone needs a signature or certificate I can always work something out latter. Here are the two images (the metal prints will look a little different):

"From Your Gay Dads" was picked to be included in the 2022 Photo's of Pride at SD Pride on 30th, October . I twisted it a bit because the scan was not that interesting to me blown up. I also felt that something should be on the piece to allow people to take money or give money (like the note suggests). This may be a bit of a surprise to the people at SD Pride, they only okayed the first one. Here are the side by sides (before and after) 10x10 $340:
Article at:

Pushed out a couple of pieces. A Darkspace by the door and another Train piece 9x12 and 10x10. These are both mixed media. The underprint is archival and from decades ago. More trains on the way...