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Richard Baer ChauDavis
Ray St / NP Nights
Hottest Couple, 10-10-2009
started slow...
Ray St / NP Nights
Lora and Friends, 10-10-2009
running wild at Ray at Night
Ray St / NP Nights
A Kiss, 10-10-2009
nice purse (Public)
Ray St / NP Nights
The Kuntz Clan, 9-19-2009
quite a group
Ray St / NP Nights
Smoke Break from SDAD, 9-19-2009
quick break
Ray St / NP Nights
Dip, 9-19-2009
another dancing couple!
Ray St / NP Nights
Dog after Playing Catch, 9-19-2009
A greying and fierce playful pup
Ray St / NP Nights
Sad, 09-19-2009
after the last Guinness
Ray St / NP Nights
Moving Arms, Ray at Night, 9-12-2009
Cars were an issue...
Ray St / NP Nights
Andre Reflecting, 9-12-2009
Ray St / NP Nights
Andre Tying his Shoe, 9-12-2009
Ray St / NP Nights
Alley Couple, 9-12-2009
interesting couple