Richard Baer ChauDavis
2 Artcards from Anonymous A Hip Scar 2930, 4-24-2019
developing the image
3 Art Cards Anna and Samia Brushing Teeth 2871, 4-13-2019
champion teeth brushers

No Mail Posts, 4-13-2019-6-2-2019
Must have been getting close to shutting down at Patreon

Picking the Border Color, 4-12-2019
the border debate
Maria and Fred in Fred's kitchen, 4-10-2019
a good time was had by all
Anonymous Hip Scar 2930,4-7-2019
Aja Divorce Scar 2881, 4-7-2019
joyful cutter
Nancy Brushing Teeth 2952, 4-7-2019
best at fey
Ginger Brushing Teeth 3042, 4-7-2019
Did and redid this one

Michael and Ananda brushing Teeth 2778, 4-7-2019
they do some interesting photography themselves
Progress on brushing teeth and scars, 4-1-2019
just scribble, it will work out