Another SFW Public Newsletter, 8-25-2024

It might be that not caring whether my work is arousing has seriously hurt its marketability... duh, Richard, duh...

Another SFW Public Newsletter, 8-25-2024
well, got me talking and reflecting again...
Another SFW Monthly Public Newsletter - museo de rbcdart
So I created this newsletter for those people interested in my non-nude, public, and non-sexual stuff only. You know, mostly family and certain friends…

The closing show for 'Liberated Forms' is Thursday August 29th, 2024 (my birthday) at the Studio Door. The candles on my cake will be 68 plus one to grow on (middle school snicker).

Maria and I have scheduled a week long stay at Anna Stump's Desert Dairy in February 2025. Last time worked out well, Maria is scouring thrift stores with a glint in her eye.

I will be going back over my records and posting unposted things to further flesh out this website. As for new stuff, look for a lot more miniature works, a steady stream of larger works. Probably some landscapes and abstracts to balance the sexual stuff a bit.

Ended up destroying the first larger 'out of a train window' piece shortly after varnishing it. It had a lot of things I loved (tiny cows) but not enough to save it. I hope to take what I learned into the next one.

I am pondering the difference between sexual art and arousal art. I think that sexual art just deals with human sexuality as if it were any other subject matter. These thoughts were sparked by an artist pointing to one of my pieces as just another BJ picture. Afterwards, I was looking at that artists work appreciatively, but, couldn't stop myself from thinking, ahh, just another landscape....

This hardline against the sexual in visual art, limiting the subject matter to either arousing or pornografic is not reflected currently in other forms like plays, books, dance, songs...

Here are some more pics I have taken and sometimes painted! The first and last were finished this month.