Another SFW Public Newsletter, 1-22-2024
up and walking...

So the previous SFW (on Christmas) saw me in a hospital bed in my own living room recovering from a hip replacement I had on the 15th after falling off a ladder on the 14th. Since then, I have cleared my PT and OT; delivered 12 new pieces and a video to the Oceanside Museum of Art (by train with Maria); had a photoshoot; bantered with Eric, Stu, and Corrie; started driving again; been told by my OT Nurse and Angel that I sound 'young;' bought a safer ladder; seen the dentist (need a crown); set up the Brio track in my studio (again); and, visited Fred with an old friend to be treated to homemade pizza, stories, and art. Life has returned to that wonderful normal again.
Since I seem to be expressing my younger self I thought I would share a few of my back when pieces when art and life was as mixed then as it is now.