By Richard Baer ChauDavis in Faces or — May 6, 2024 Fred with Full Beard, 4-21-2024 such a great model (among other things) close up Miniatures - museo de rbcdartThese are mostly art cards, 2.5 x 3.5 inches, some other pieces around that size range. Below 4x6 anyway. Fred Marinello got me into doing these. Very easy to store and show. I am no longer trading but willing to sell…museo de rbcdartUnderprint for this multimedia piece was sent by Fred Marinello to Richard for the Faces Or project. Multimedia, acrylic and micron pens, 2.5 x 3.5."
No Mail Posts No Mail Posts 9-3-2022 to 9-23-2023 I loved that note from the Gay Dads on the money tree.